The website features Obama's new campaign logo — 2012 with the rising sun in the background, a version of his 2008 campaign logo — and announces that the campaign is kicking off
New media has now taken its place in politics as well as every other aspect of life in our society. Politics strives with the popularity of society, and in our time the best way to reach out to our society is through new media. Obama's website was a very successful part of his last election and now he will use this form of social media once again. This opens up a new door in the world of political elections. This has been a positive and cheep way to promote Obama's election. Obama said himself that this online web campaign is more focused and innovative then anything we have ever used before, and he plans to use it once again.
There is a sense in which new media seem to facilitate democratic processes, and serve as equalizers in various ways. But it still helps to have money, resources, and staff!