Monday, January 31, 2011

Are blogs replacing the news?

Blogs have, in a way, revolutionized the news. Before blogging, the news was strictly a professional thing. A couple of people would sit behind a desk and determine which stories they wanted the public to know about, with the ultimate goal of what would make them the most money. The invention of blogs has changed this exclusive idea of news into something far more personal. Nowadays, not only is news available in newspapers and on regular news channels, but it is also available through blogs. Blogs even often have information quicker than any other method of news can share it, and usually through a more personal source.

Blogs are also a more personalized version of the news. Typically, blogs focus on one or a couple of subjects, instead of covering a vast amount of topics that you are genuinely uninterested in. By choosing a blog or two that you want to read, you can keep up to date on news that truly matters to you. This is one advantage of blogs over social media sites like Facebook in the aspect that, like Alyson said, you are not forced to read status updates, or anything for that matter, that you are not interested in. Usually when someone reads a blog, it is because they are interested in the topic of that particular blog and they chose to read it. Blogs can give everyone a specialized look at the news and also gives those who are not professionals the chance to share the news they find important. Since blogs have become so popular, nowadays there are blogs on almost every subject imaginable. If you cannot find a blog that interests you, then there is probably something wrong. If you really can’t though, then it is not hard at all to start your own blog, potentially about the fact that every other blog is so uninteresting to you.

To me, blogs seem to be the 21st century version of the news. To some people, blogs may be taken even more seriously than actual professional news. This is for much of the same reason that Alyson spoke of when she mentioned the restaurant review on a blog as opposed to in a newspaper ad. This same concept can be seen for movie reviews as well. There are blogs on the web that review movies for parents so that they can read about a movie before they take their children to see it. Anyone can contribute to or comment on these reviews. I don’t see why anyone would not prefer this to a simple rating in the corner of a movie poster or ad in a newspaper.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent points. On the other hand, is there anything lost when we bypass professional journalists?
